Sunday, September 12, 2010

a lesson learned

Today I:

- hit the 25 pound weight loss mark this morning! (after almost 4 months of counting my calorie intake) I'm almost done. The end is in sight! I like teaming up with Jesus!

- got to celebrate God with my church family. There were some AWESOME testimonies today! Love that.

- tried to be more intentional about smiling at my children when they're talking to me.

- spent some one-on-one time with my neice. We went running this afternoon, me with my legs and she with her racer wheelchair. She's planning on doing her first race this Saturday at the Apple Festival 5k. I'm SUPER proud of her. We had such a good time chatting. We have so much in common, and it's so much fun to talk to her.

-and then, somehow, I managed to cut 3 of my fingers while on that particular run. We had gone about 4 miles, and we still had 2 more miles to get home. She was pretty tired, so I thought we'd walk and I'd push her a bit so she could rest. Brilliant idea, in theory anyway.

It's hard to describe what happened, unless you actually see her racer, but somehow as I was pushing her, my hand slipped and the wheel caught my fingers and in the blink of an eye, my fingers got stuck in between the wheel and the fender. -- i.n.s.t.a.n.t. pain -- I screamed, I think. It was a surreal moment. Her racer couldn't go forward or backward because my 3 fingers were wedged in so tight.

I'm looking at my fingers and I knew they had to come out and I knew the only way was for me to literally pull out my fingers! "Jesus help me", flew out of my lips as I puuuuuuuuulled them out.

Searing, breathtaking pain.

Blood started gushing e-ver-y-where! Gushing. I was blinking back the tears. With my good hand, I unzipped the velcro pack that held her phone and told her to call someone to come and get us!

Meanwhile I'm holding my fingers real tight with my other hand to try to stop the blood flow, so now both hands looked awful!

Brittney was freaking out and I just wanted to cry! So instead I....

laughed! Laughter is good medicine, right?!

Abbot came and picked us up. By the time he got there, the blood had pretty much stopped flowing. I washed up my hands and Mom H. bandaged them up. They were throbbing this afternoon, but I don't even feel any pain tonight!

And next time, Britt - we'll stick with 3 miles!

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