Friday, July 9, 2010

I Choose...

to be thankful for all the care God gives to us.

Even though, in the past three months we have had several major appliances that we've had to either repair or get new.

And now, last week our stove gave out. It would turn on without warning, remain at high heat, and the only way to turn it off is to unplug it. The smoke alarm would even go off because it got so hot. The repair would've cost almost as much as a new one, so we opted to pay $100 more and get another stove.

On Saturday, we decided to clean out our grill and realized the burner and the heating tents were quite literally falling apart. So, we will be using our gas grill as a charcoal grill, until the end of the season clearance specials.

And now, today, our dryer gave up the ghost.


What is the deal?

Is this what happens after you've been married 14 years?

Everything you own falls apart?

God was really dealing with my heart since the weekend. He was telling me that I need to not focus on the problem, but focus on how He cared for us during the problem.

For instance:

THANK GOD that the oven only randomly turned on while we were home. (Now we unplug it when we leave. New stove comes tomorrow!) We could've burned our house down.

THANK GOD that the grill lasted as long as it did!

THANK GOD that the dryer didn't burn up. I went downstairs to get the laundry that I put in the dryer this morning. I opened the door and found wet clothes. (???) I started the dryer again and realized it wasn't turning. When I opened it up, it smelled H.O.T.!!!!

Immediately, I started thanking God for all the things I could think of that He has done for us. Jaci said, "Mom, what are you doing?!". She's used to hearing me talking out loud to God, but she must've picked up on something. Desperation, maybe?

So - who knows what's going on, but I am choosing to thank God that our family will not lose heart because we will see/are seeing His goodness in the land of the living (Ps. 27:13), and that He daily loads us with benefits (Ps. 68:19)!

Call me crazy.

Call me weird.

Call me silly.

But I choose to be,


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