Thursday, October 23, 2008

the world, from a 6 year old's point of view

This past weekend we were in Pennsylvania, visiting my parents and big sister. My sis was rubbing my back because I had a migraineish headache. Jaci plopped herself on the floor and said, "Sharon, can you digest my back too"?

She meant to say "adjust". She hears this Chirpractic lingo, and doesn't realize yet that only a licensed Chiropractor should be "adjusting" you. And seriously - you DON'T want me to get on my soapbox about THAT! Isn't that right, my dear family?! (laughing)

This morning, she turned off her alarm clock, crawled out of bed and came to me for her good morning hug. As we were hugging, she said, "Mommy, I'm frustrated with you."

"Really?" (this was me) "Why?"

Her reply: Because you keep getting me up earlier and earlier!

I guess at 6, it's hard to understand that in the winter, it's dark outside even at 8:00am. (Actually, if the truth be told, I have a hard time understanding it. I'm still a little bitter about the whole time change. WHY couldn't we leave well enough alone?"

Anyway, I tried to explain to her that she's getting up at the same time, but finally I told her that when it's winter, the sun is cold and has a hard time getting out of bed.

It seemed to satisfy her... (smiling)