Tuesday, February 12, 2008

randomness... or should I say: ramblingness?

So, there are some things bouncing around in my head tonight and, for me, the best way to "make sense" of them is to write it out.

We had an incredible service at church today. We had some awesome testimonies. Someone has been healed of Stage 4 cancer!!!! The doctors are puzzled... hmmmm.... We, on the other hand, had a good ole' shoutin', praisin', HALLELUJAH time! \o/ Another man testified about something that happened several months ago. Our pastor, one Sunday morning said that he was sensing that this particular morning was an annointing that morning for people to be set free from addictions. He said anyone who wants prayer for an addiction they're struggling with, should raise their hands and he will pray for them. This man testified this morning that he has been free from smoking ever since our pastor prayed for him that day. \o/ YES!!!!!

I am an ordinary person with an extraordinary God. Oh yeah, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!!!!

Well, these testimonies absolutely set the tone for the service today for Brent and I. It was great to see God moving in these ways...

On a side note, isn't it fascinating what kids pick up? This afternoon, my little nephew and I were playing Mario Party on the Wii. I forget exactly how or why Jaci said this, I think it was something my nephew said. Anyway, she said, "You shouldn't do that. You're not being salt and light." My and Brent's eyes flew to each other in astonishment! It was so fitting, it was hilarious! Brent asked her where she heard that and she said they were talking about it in Children's Church today. I love-love-love that our children are catching on to the things of God. Jamie Eggers does such a great job with the kids and they love her.

The other day, while we were eating lunch, (which, by the way, is a spot for great conversations with my kiddos) I asked Jaci where she was before she came to our family. She had incredible insight that left me totally speechless... To make a long story short, she proceeded to tell me, in answer to my many questions, that she was up in heaven with God and He was teaching her and that she waved her little hands and asked God to pick her to send her to me and Brent. What can you say? She is very astute at times, little one, princess of my heart.

And my little Z-Man... his favorite phrase right now is: 'sometimes, but not'. For example, food. "Do you like this?", I will ask. "Yes, I like this, but not", he replies. It's so funny how he says many versions of this phrase. The funniest ones are the lengthy positive answers and then he ends with, "but not". He is too funny, my little man, joy of my heart.

Yesterday I took the youth girls to the Fort Wayne mall for the day. Brent packed up the kids and went shopping in Goshen. It sounded like they had Hi-Oh time together. I came home before they did and the kids were very effusive with their shopping stories. Zachary finally ended with, "Mommy, it was sosososososososo COOL!"

It is such a miracle to see him talk.... wow... I am so grateful to our Father for "connecting the dots" in his brain.

I am an ordinary person with an extraordinary God.

Some more rambling thoughts.

If Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, why are healings like they had 2000 years ago and like we heard today, not more commonplace? The last couple of weeks I was reading through Matthew again and was struck at this thought. It says, over and over, "and He healed them all", or some version of that same thought. Who/what changed....? Not God!

The Message says it like this: Matthew 4:23 - People brought anybody with an ailment, whether mental, emotional, or physical. Jesus healed them, one and all.

It gives me something to ponder....

For those of you who know me well, know that I love words. They're so delicious! Mmmm.... If you have ever been to my house, you would see several themes. One of them is special words and phrases. I in particular like putting verses God has given me, around our house.

On my kitchen sophet I have painted this verse from Psalm 147:14 - He makes peace within your walls. He fills you with the best grain.

The other week I came across this verse and instantly I knew the Holy Spirit was telling me, "this is for you"! I was so excited, and I knew exactly where I was going to put this verse. We have a beam in the dining room that would be the perfect spot to paint this verse, and I knew it was a verse to declare for our home. The funny thing was, my husband knows me so well. I was so excited about it and was telling Brent and his response was, "Where are you going to paint that?" I love that he knows me so intimately.

This is it, my latest favorite verse: II Chronicles 7:16 - For I have chosen and sanctified this house, that My Name may be here forever, and My eyes and My heart will be here perpetually.

I know that this is talking about when they were dedicating the temple to God, but isn't that the cool thing about God's Word? It is ALIVE and for us TODAY!!!! Brent and I have always sensed that God was the one who directed us here, to this house. It is perfect for us. It's a smallish house, but has a larger dining room area than some bigger, two story houses. He knew, way before we did, that we were going to need a big dining room. I love that God is so COOL like that!!! So, it was like God was having a conversation with me when I read this verse.

~~~ Hey, Esther, I chose this house for you guys and I cleaned it out. (And clean it out He did. We had some "things" we had to deal with in the spiritual realm after we moved in. I am so thankful to my earthly Father that likes "to do things right". I was going to paint over wallpaper and he said, we're taking it off! As we pulled it off, we found curses painted on the wall) The blood of Jesus covers this house, now! \o/ And Esther, I want you to remember, that My Name is here now, even to the 10th generation, because good choices and decisions affect future generations just like bad ones do. And, you know what, My eyes and heart are here forever. ~~~

Okay, hmmmm.... what else has been bouncing in my head?

Oh, yeah, you know that Proverbs 31 woman that we all aspire to be? Well, I particularly like the part that says, "her clothes are well-made and elegant". Hmmmm... Am I trying to convince myself that it's okay to make this month's run to Goodwill???!!! (giggle) You decide. You wanna know my husband's response? A long-suffering roll of the eyes. (laughing out loud to myself) Good grief - what's going on with my mind tonight? I told you there was a lot of stuff rumbling in my head. It's pretty bad when I make myself laugh, right?

Oooo! I have another thought. Alright, what's up with these verses that talk about the contentious or nagging woman? Now, some of the newer versions say "spouse". I tend to think it's supposed to say woman. Because, I don't think men have these leanings like us women do. I can say that, because I'm a woman. (smile)

Proverbs 19:13 And the contentions of a wife are a continual dripping (one version says a leaky faucet. YIKES!)

Proverbs 21:9 Better to dwell in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a contentious woman.

Proverbs 21:19 Better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious woman.

Dictionary definition for 'contentious': inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, quarrelsome, tending to argument or strife


I am hearing my most wonderful husband laughing and laughing at a blooper show on TV. Isn't laughter the best?! I love when my sides ache, and my facial muscles hurt, tears are running down my cheeks and I'm gasping for breath all because I'm laughing at something. It's the greatest feeling ever. Is it any wonder that the Bible says laughter is like medicine?

Oh yeah, I'm trying to become a green thumb. One of my best friends gave me a start to another plant. I've managed to keep 3 plants green and flourishing, so I'm trying another one. I talk to my plants, by the way... Yeah, that's a whole 'nother blog.

Okay, I really should wrap this up. I have lots of other thoughts in my head (I know, I know, I can hear you all gasping) hey, what can I say... I'm a woman! (grinning) But, I will close with this final thought.

I love my husband. I am so incredibly blessed. He's got my back and he's soooooo got my heart. And when I'm curled up beside him in our bed, lying in the same position we always go to sleep in, I feel, safe - and my heart says, ahhhhhhh.....